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Most everything on the wiki here is about me, this one is all Hubbies. When we were dating my parents did not like him they kept telling me he was lazy. We found out years later that his lack of energy was actually from Mercury Poisoning. I'll let him explain:

A Heavy Metal Chelation Challenge (DMSA) followed by a urine analysis will show Metals that do not show up in hair analysis.

That is how I felt, all of the time, before the T3 and getting ride of the Mercury. Dragging myself through the work day is all I could do. Then it was nap time before going to bed.

Yes, from a good allergists in Greenville. All of the local medical doctors here kept telling me I was healthy, when I knew I was not.

The brain fog never went way until I got all of the Mercury out of my system.

It is frequently a medical error that only T4 is checked. They look to see what the Thyroid is putting out and not how it is being utilized. If T4 is not being converted to T3, T4 can read high.

It was my Thyroid that was effected by the Mercury. Was always tired and cold. Thyroid has different effects on different people.

How long did it take to run out?

Three years. That is how long it took to get all of the fillings out, and do chelation theory to get it removed from the rest of my system.

You can not just go have all of it taken out of your mouth at once as you end up poisoning yourself even more and can do things like destroy your liver and kidneys. I had a lot of dental problems as I did not go to the dentist for years, as one hurt me when I went to them when I was young. By the time I went my mouth was a mess, and the bozo filled me up with “silver” fillings.

Mercury can cause thyroid issues, which I know from personal experience.

The Thyroid makes the Right Stuff so the doc says you don't have thyroid issues. Alas the Mercury has plugged up the works so the Thyroid hormone does not get used. In humans the classic symptom is being cold *all of the time*. I once sat in a 200'F sauna and I was shivering. I don't know how this would manifest in dogs beyond lack of energy?

Has she been tested for Heavy Metals, particularity Mercury usually from dental fillings? A good alertest can diagnose Heavy Metals quickly. Does she complain about it being cold all of the time, even if you are dripping with sweat?

http://www.ccrlab.com/ is an obscure test used by knowledgeable dentists to make sure you are not also allergic to alternatives.

QuackWatch lists CCR Labbs which besides my personal experience with Mercury Poisoning from fillings gone bad, is a good endorsement that the Clifford Materials Reactivity Testing (CMRT) should be used more often by more people to me.

If your friend has Mercury find a dentist that knows how to deal with it, or they will make them worse. Some of those “pharmaceutical treatment” could have been pulling the Mercury into her system.

Yes, you would. My recored was 92.6, at that temperature the *ONLY* thing you do is shiver.

  • bpaddock/mercury.1425843807.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2015/03/08 19:43
  • by bpaddock